Hiding under a tree Indoors is better than hiding under a tree Outdoors

Isn’t that pretty and festive? Before I put the table cloth on our Pile-O-Christmas, I put a string of lights down, for a nice illuminating effect.

This post is really to check in with wishes that your holiday has been full of friends and family. It has been a particularly stressful and challenging month for many people I know, and I wish for positivity and support for each of them. I think of you often, and I hope 2011 brings good things.

Meanwhile, I’m still feeling pretty….


Somewhat like the cat, shown here under the Christmas Pile, romantically lit with LED Christmas lights. I hope you’re taking it easy in this crazy time of year.

I promise to return to my blog again soon– this time in less than 6 days. There are things I have brewing (and not just in the kitchen).

For now, I offer you a link to my most popular blog post. By far.

Thirty Days of Solitude

Also, Maty says "HI HI HI Can I smell your face??"

Wait until the weekend and you can Dance Yrself Clean

Any thoughts on this one?

This little gem of a needlepoint may still be available for purchase at the Goodwill Bins– I didn’t buy it. I posit that these faceless angels live in a God-forsaken desert (Arizona? New Mexico?) and they know they’ll wait a million years to see a burning bush so they’re taking matters into their own magic wands.

It’s in the same bin as a homemade collage featuring Joel Przybilla and Yiddish puns as a gift some girl made for her friend’s bat mitzvah. Here’s Joel when he was playing for the Portland Trailblazers… before he blew out his knee (twice). I insist that he come back to play this year not only because he’s our Big Man but because of all the signs fans would bring during games. My favorite: “JOEL! BUY A VOWEL!”

Can you tell I’m itching for basketball season to start?

But for the next two days I’m allllll about dance.

These are some of the women of Trip The Dark Fantastic

I am THRILLED to say I’m sharing the stage with Trip The Dark Fantastic tomorrow night at the Doug Fir Lounge. They have created one hell of a program and have worked many many hours to bring it to life. Look at this place! Then look at their menu, and find us on their calendar. We’re opening for Pancake Breakfast who has busted out a new album, and they know how to put on a show too. I desperately want to tell you about one element of their show but I’m sworn to silence. I will not reveal secrets… but I can tell you to expect these sexy ladies, some surprises, some romance, the lyric from this post’s title, a wide drink selection, and spectacle. For $5 cover? THAT’S INSANE!

Happy Friday, I hope to see you soon.

Perhaps the yellow ones taste like bananas

I think this detail shot is representative of many of the details on this lamp I’ve upcycled for the Illumination Fundraiser next month. The surface of the lamp has a sunburst shape in relief-sculpture. I added colors to these shapes and tried to amplify them with highlights and shadows, using the color scheme of the printed lampshade. Last week I got to see the other lamps finished by artists, and they’re all FAR improved from when they started. A woman took a lathe to a couple of pieces of rich colored wood and formed elegant lamp bases. There are a few painted lampshades, from landscapes to seascapes (seriously, one is made for people like me who like aquariums but don’t want to tend to fish).

I have one more pair of pictures for my on-going segment of Wild Cat, Mild Cat– highlighting the differences between my “cat” and the big kitties of the wild.

Wild, weird, they have some of the same letters.

Like this one. Her name is Dot, and she’s one of the residents at the Wildcat Haven, the recipient of funds raised by the Sherwood Art and Wine Festival. I wanted my booth fee to go directly to her, perhaps to supply peanut butter– I assume by this picture it is her favorite food, though labor-intensive.

Then there is my cat, Matilda. That is my hand she’s biting, in order to bite the brush I was using on her. She has a love/hate relationship with the brush. And the dog. And her toys. And her rug (no joke, she wrestles it and snuggles it and then pulls threads out of the rug and eats them. She prefers the yellow threads). *

I am now accepting students of all experience levels for Polynesian Poi Dance lessons at The Dancer’s Studio in Tigard. Please check out my class list and rates, as well as the fabulous Belly Dance classes offered by Sheelah. I promise, this is a $@#!-load of fun.

You can see me rock some spinning moves later this month when I perform with Trip The Dark Fantastic to open for a CD release party. The women who’ve put together this show have worked so hard and I’m excited to be performing with them.

Thanks again for checking in on me and passing this along to your friends and my family. Enjoy your week, it’s already half over!

*I am not exaggerating. This is demonstrated fact.

A is for Apple and Adorable

Here is my most recently listed item in my Etsy shop. Fresh off the sewing machine and ready to be dusted with flour. It’s “upcycled,” a certain cafe’s green apron combined with a vintage half-apron. Plus, yesterday’s coffee cozies are listed here now.

Last night I went out to catch a show and I’ve found one more thing about Portland that I am infatuated with. Boy Meets Drum Machine is the newest addition to my music. He puts on a great show too– one very talented guy who sings, plays sax, plays keyboard, and uses all the tools of a deejay. Luckily for all my Idahomies, he’s playing in Boise next month.

Concerts are another time that I re-appreciate my height. I was standing behind a short (average?) girl and I don’t know how she saw anything at all. She couldn’t have. I checked by squatting and peering over her shoulder and the stage mysteriously disappeared– but she was smiling and that was one more tip-off that she was on a first date.

Now available for purchase!!

So really the show for me wasn’t just the rockin’ tunes, that was just the soundtrack to an adorably awkward one act play. He was a little too animated about the show, she was dressed up with a pink headband, and they were never closer than 14 inches apart. They were also too interested in each others’ stories about doing taxes– you’ll talk about anything at all on a first date.

She was just a little short, and he was just a little tall, which made them look a more than comical. As I thought more about it, I realized she was just the right height that she could rest her head on his chest– and that only looked comical to me because I have no idea what that’s like.

Except for this ONE time

I am thrilled to tell you that I now offer Poi classes in an honest-to-goodness dance studio.  So now is the perfect time to make good on every time you told me you want to try poi. 😉 This is also the perfect opportunity to get in on Belly Dance classes.

I hope your weekend is going well, thanks for reading!

These are a few of my strangest things

I would like to introduce you to the mythic wonder known as the mocha-colored-octopus. Moctopus, you might say. He is cute, alert, and ready to defend your morning brew to his death (note the gun barrel pointed at his eye).

Ok it’s not a Moctopus, they’re not real (if they were, I would have one; and I wouldn’t share it). This is a photo of some new merchandise you will find in my Etsy shop. I’ve recently begun adding some clothing and accessories to my inventory of art prints and cards.

I’m completing the last steps in my Illumination lamp. Here is a sneak peek to prove it.  I never thought the lamp would end up looking how I’ve made it—but I guess that’s the fun, right? It’s not just “mixed media,” either– it’s… vintage upcycled art.

Short post today, I know– but I’ve got a lot of things for my to-do list that WILL be checked off today. Oh, they WILL be. So I leave you with this:

For the days my shaggy friends can’t get me around to trim them, here’s the place to go!

If you’re turning on the light, make sure it doesn’t shine on something ugly.

This is my newest art acquisition. Quite a step up from your average canvas, I think. I picked this up  to be my contribution to the Lion’s  Illumination Fundraiser to benefit people in need of hearing and sight care. They provide lamps to local artists, who art-ify the pieces and they are auctioned off, Saturday October 9.

I am so glad that I got up and braved the morning freeways because I got to be the first artist to choose from their collection.  So of course I chose the largest, and most interesting one (the only that didn’t come from Ikea). Shannon said that the Lion who brought in this lamp would be happy to hear that it was the first one picked. Apparently it’s got a long history of hanging with the Lions. I estimate at this point, could be 50 years. Also I prefer to envision these men as actual lions. Lions with lamps!

I didn’t get a proper “Before” picture because I was so excited to get started.  By the time I took the above picture, Josh had removed and disassembled the lamp shade. I figured I’d give the lamp a cursory wipe-down before I took a picture— but my damp wash cloth quickly removed and disassembled the hideous wood stain crap that someone painted all over this thing. It was a surprise, a happy one– the ceramic has a beautiful texture and shine.  The lamp still screams 1955, but it’s 18 times better than it was when I awkwardly positioned it in the car.

I have several sets of birthday/thank you/misc gift cards of the fanciest kind for sale at Seconds to Go, I believe I introduced you to that shop not long ago (get out there and tell her you’re one of my people, you should get 10% off). Both my Paris Collage and Mt. Hood Collage are there right now, and just outside the window is one set up for the Boise-Eliot Markets. Food booths, hand made clothes and cards, musical performances, and if you’re lucky you’ll see this guy selling fractal coloring books.

I almost bought one for my favorite little guy’s 2nd birthday. But I already had the perfect gift for a book-lovin’ boy who has just discovered the funniest thing in the universe. He’d fit right in with my mad-lib boys at Goodtime Chinese Center whose favorite word to yell is “poooooooop!!”

I wish I had a palm-leaf hat like little man on the right.

I’ve held on to that copy of Everyone Poops for a long time waiting for the right kid to give it to. I look forward to some afternoon where I can have him read it to me. I made a point of inscribing  “This is all true” on the inside cover.

P.S. I left a detail out of my Fred Meyer story in the previous post. The guy was using the Courtesy Desk phone to call someone who stole his phone. Who was holding it for ransom.

Katie Pippel has a symmetry to her colorful combination of acrylic painting & collage which create a lovely artistic style. And, I believe she has a fond love of java.

I’m starting this off with a very very cute picture, in hopes it will distract you from how long I’ve been away from blog-land. I know my absence troubled you, but rest assured that I’ve been busy doing good things. September 1 is the deadline for 2 art shows I want to participate in so I had to put together my submissions on CD and doing the cover letter and resume and everything. Just like a grown-up. I applied to two jobs and I’m hoping for the best, not just because I need some paychecks but also because the positions are ones that actually make me excited. Both are in the area of providing art activities for youth.

Three cheers for rubies and tungsten carbide.

Many many thanks for all the Happy Anniversary wishes. We went to a little Italian place by NE 23 (oh so hip!) named Sal’s Famous Italian Kitchen. Very classy, lots of wine, really enticing cocktails and food like crab and asparagus risotto with parmesan.

I prettied myself up with a dress I got from Margi, the necklace I wore at our wedding (Jonely heirloom), earrings from Elyse and Matt’s wedding,  an agate ring (Duzenack heirloom), my wedding flip-flops, an anklet from Karen, and a shawl I got from Holly.  What can I say, it takes a village to dress a Katie.

This rose is the least impressive part of our yard. That's right, there's a rose there. All of 9 inches tall.

I went shopping the other day and had another Portland Moment. I have more interactions with strangers in Portland than in Boise or Salem combined. Like Sylvester who I had a 20 minute conversation that ranged from where’s the nearest food all the way to the injustice of American Veterans ending up homeless. Or Samantha who gave me her entire health history and detailed list of medications (though I don’t recall what medication gave her hairs on the side of her chin).  This moment I had in Fred Meyer was a little the opposite– I did not interact with this guy, but I got a glimpse of his life and I totally want to know what happened before and after he grabbed the red phone at the Customer Service counter, where he did not use his “inside voice.”

“Steve. I am at Fred Meyer right now. I am going to wait here for 20 minutes and if you are not here with my phone in 20 minutes, I am going to call the cops and tell them how you stole it and it is ridiculous for you to hold it for ransom. 20. Minutes.”

Tomorrow I’ll be doing another morning at Goodtime with the smartypants kids who filled in the mad lib story from earlier. I’ll have two groups, we’ll see how the two versions differ.

Last for today, I’d like to say I’ve gotten in on an art event occurring in October. It’s called the Illumination Fundraiser — benefiting those needing treatment for vision or hearing loss.  Local artists get to art-ify lamps and the purchases benefit their group. Here’s the list of artists, I’m #17, and I like the blurb she wrote about me. She to me pretty summed up.

Never thought I’d write on my blog about tuxedo-wearing giraffes

I had another exciting morning with my dancing kids at Goodtime Chinese Center. Well, this picture is from last week. We enjoy incorporating big rubber balls into dance time… apparently.

But today was a departure from dance. I brought a few Shel Silverstein poems and if I say that “I read the poems to them,” it’s an understatement. Particularly during “Whatif,” which is mostly a list of questions like “Whatif I’m dumb in school? Whatif they’ve closed the swimming pool? What if I tear my pants? What if I never learn to dance?” They answered each one immediately.

He'd laugh if he could read it.

The poems were fun, but the Mad Libs were AWESOME. I wrote out a basic story and let a group of 8 little boys fill in the details. The result staggered even me. I’d like to hear your ideas for a title this story. There are just so many jokes to be made.

It was Sunday and the weather was sunny, rainy, and tornado-y. That’s Michael’s favorite kind of day. Michael and all the Goodtime kids were going on a field trip. This time they went to China. Last week they went to the Poopy Farm and no one had any fun.*

Outside the door to China was a pack of giraffes, their faces looked weird and they smelled just like stinky. One of them was wearing a tuxedo and every time he opened his mouth he said “Hello! Poop! Toilet!”**

For lunch everyone sat in the shade of a huge pineapple. William brought his favorite lunch: spicy poop noodle. Joshua and max had lunchables and pig meat, but nothing to eat. “I wish I had cheetah milk.”

After lunch, the weather became stormy and lightning-y and it was time for the Goodtime kids to leave, but the van had been crushed by a giant peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Luckily, Yan had a trumpet in her pocket. When she used it, the kids heard an oinking sound, then a huge elehippo*** came and they rode home on it, everyone singing “Poooooop!”

*they insisted that if they had in fact gone, they would have had lots of fun.
**I asked them to give me words that they like to yell.
***Our invention, half elephant, half hippo. Duh.

I’ll be out of town this weekend, so I hope this silliness will make you giggle all weekend, because I can tell you right now I can’t read it without laughing. The boys had me read it 3 times because it was so hysterical.

Eat something delicious this weekend!

Wakey wakey, eggs and happy bakey

That's some of Dave's Killer Bread getting killer grill marks

We can’t all start the day off right with a healthy breakfast, but we can all look at yummy food and pretend we had a healthy breakfast. I do this sort of thing all the time with Food Network. After I watch Alton Brown make marshmallows  from scratch, I claim a sense of accomplishment by pretending I was the one hitting the button on the KitchenAid. Do you know how hard it is to make marshmallows from scratch? I group it with other dishes I may not be ambitious enough to try. Souffles. Crown roasts. Marshmallows.

I love Bob Ross and all... but not THAT MUCH

Come to think of it, this vicarious sense of accomplishment goes waaaay back, to my earliest lessons in art. I never could get over Bob Ross painting an entire landscape in the span of one tv show, that’s just silly.  I watched the silliness every weekend.

I will admit that I belong to the Facebook group “Bob Ross, Stop Being Dead and Paint Me A Happy Tree!” As much as I admire him, I could never get his face tattooed on me, anywhere.  So here is proof that someone loves Bob a truckload more than I do.

I will say that this tattoo, just like his art, looks almost too real. I think they underplayed his beard in this one… and chose instead to overplay his cheekbones. They should have spent that time to make a squirrel for his shoulder.

Last week I made my first trip to the Oregon Zoo. Disgusting, right? Lived in Portland a year and Salem for 7 before that and not gone to the Oregon Zoo? I mentioned this earlier as the location for the Carolina Chocolate Drops show I attended with Mimi and Rob— so I actually did not see animal exhibits, just those rad little boys who danced around us. I’ll go back, don’t worry. I should go soon so I can see the rest of their dinosaurs.

Yeah, the Oregon Zoo is so cool it has dinosaurs! So does OMSI, actually. I wasn’t totally sold on the dinosaur exhibit until I saw this little boy directing t-rex at his mom. I hope she packed up all his things and put it all on the curb, what kind of kid does that?

Robotic remote controlled dinosaurs, you say? RAAARRRR say I.

I have been under-representing art on my blog lately. This does not mean I haven’t been busy. I have been commissioned to create thank you cards for Bobby and Lacy’s wedding. Bobby was the guy who kept me from face-planting during Elyse and Matthew’s wedding. So Lacy, you got a good one. I’ll be mailing these to you soon.

If you or someone you know is getting married, having a baby, having an anniversary, a birthday, a divorce, whatever– please tell them you know where they can get unique, fun, and hand made cards and announcements.  Or if you know a few kids who want to dance I guess I’m your girl, too.

I hope your Monday is as happy as Monday gets. 🙂

I need sunglasses, lemonade, and sun screen. STAT.

It’s hot here. How hot is it, you say?

Here’s a picture of my morning tea and some things in my kitchen bay window.

The plants are doing just fine– it’s the candle that gave up and answered the call of gravity. In fairness, we’ve all been looking droopy on account of the heat.

I’m happy to say that the hydrangea I planted last year is blooming and twice as big as when I planted it, so I guess it’s happy here.

Thanks again to Stumptown for sustaining my coffee addiction, thereby benefiting the hydrangea because it gets all my coffee grounds. For that beautiful blue color.

When I first moved to Oregon, my dad asked me frequently if my toes had become webbed yet from all the rain and water. I’m happy to say my toes are all individuals– but I will admit that yesterday I was as Oregon as I ever have been. I went to an outdoor concert at the Oregon Zoo, with my orange bag from Thailand, my purple wrap skirt from Nepal, Birkenstocks, and a shirt I got for free. The only way I could get more Portlandy is if I went by bike or if I had armpit hair.

The Carolina Chocolate Drops were performing and they put on a great show. Best banjo I’ve ever heard, I can say that. Plus a version of Hit ‘Em Up Style that totally beats Blu Cantrell any day. The sun was in my eyes so I spent a lot of the time watching kids dance. My favorites were a pair of brothers, 3 or 4 years old, who ran back and forth past our quilt most of the show. One had a RUN DMC shirt, the other’s shirt had our president wearing sunglasses, under which it read Party Like A Barack Star.

It’s nearly Friday! I hope your week has gone well. Here’s a picture of the tallest roses at our house– this picture was taken at my eye level, if that gives you a scale for their staggering height.

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